DEVA Training & Staffing Solutions is a full-service staffing agency that provides temporary recruitment, digital literacy, and administrative training for Indigenous women in remote communities.

We also support Indigenous and non-Indigenous women who have fled intimate partner violence, and prison.

Classes require a minimum of 10 students.

Enroll anytime.

Classes will start when we reach our minimum.

Apply Now

Meet the DEVA Team

Sharon Marshall

Founder and CEO


Nicolle Nattrass


Wellness Wisdom Circle


Naomi Jules

DEVA Graduate

Executive Assistant


Jessica J.

DEVA Graduate

Project Admin

Sidney Demuth, BA

Social Media Specialist

If you’re looking for remote admin support, look no further.

Our team is small and mighty, and continuously growing.

Our MISSION is to empower Indigenous women.

Sign-up TODAY and you could be working in six short months!



Digital Learning

Administrative Skills


Through DEVA, each graduate can utilize her new skills to provide for her community and her family.

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We prepare Indigenous women for employment and entrepreneurial opportunities through a 20-week online digital media and virtual administrative skills training program designed to get you EARNING $$ in no time!

OKIB Grads 2022 7 Sacred Teachings (10) Onion Lake Grads 2021



Online Program


  • A 20-week digital literacy, digital media, and administrative skills program
  • Learn how to incorporate the 7 Sacred Teachings in your personal and professional lives
  • New laptop provided with all software subscriptions for one year
  • 20 modules released once per week
  • Weekly online check-ins
  • Weekly Wellness Wisdom Circles
  • Guest speakers
  • Peer support
  • Private Slack channel for communication and support
  • Employment support and mentorship for one year
  • Entrepreneurship and employment opportunities with DEVA and partners


  • From four to twelve weeks of paid, practical experience
  • Learn how to work as a virtual assistant from the comfort of your home office, while earning $$


  • Indigenous women and non-binary people
  • Grade 9 English
  • Understand computer basics

Get the digital skills for today’s jobs!





Our team of DEVAs can fill your administrative gaps and remove the bottleneck from your organization.

Would you like to learn more?

Book a 30-minute call with Sharon Marshall to explore the possibilities!

Contact Us Today! watercolor water (2)

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”


What is the course about? Expand

The DEVA Accelerator was created to up-level an administrative assistant’s confidence and skill set and provide emerging entrepreneurs with the skills and support necessary to increase knowledge and capacity over a period of five months.

It covers computer and internet basics and provides administrative skills training to work seamlessly with digital tools and apps on a laptop.

How long is the course? Expand

The course consists of 20 modules and a 4-week paid practicum, totaling 24 consecutive weeks.

Is funding provided? Expand

We would love to provide each student with a bursary and we actively seek scholarship funding. The best funding guarantee we can provide at this time is reducing the tuition to its current rate.

What is the cost of the course? Expand

Tuition is $4,997, which includes a laptop, software, and any incidentals. Students pay nothing more. 

Is there a deposit? Expand

A $497 deposit is required once an application has been accepted. If a potential student changes her mind within 24 hours of acceptance, she will get her full deposit back. If, after 24 hours of acceptance, a potential student changes her mind and withdraws her application, her deposit is no longer refundable.

Who can register for the course? Expand

Any Indigenous female 18 years of age or older, living anywhere in Canada.

Do I need a computer? Expand

Yes, however, a laptop is included in the price of tuition and will be provided once tuition is paid in full, and will then become the property of the student.

Do I need an internet connection and/or phone line? Expand

Yes, an internet connection is required. If you would like to take this course and have no internet, please let us know.

If the course is online, how do we communicate throughout the course? Expand

The course is fully online. There is a mandatory webinar scheduled every Wednesday, and each student will have an opportunity to ask questions and connect with the instructor and other students.

Other channels of communication include email, texting, using Slack, and Voxer.

Can I work while taking the course? Expand

Yes, because this program is online, if you are currently working, you can work on the course modules at your own pace outside the hours of your job.

However, you will be required to attend a weekly wisdom circle Webinar Wednesday, which is a weekly scheduled 1.5-hour webinar where the students have an opportunity to check in, get together for a lesson in real-time, and ask questions.

You should commit a minimum of ten (10) hours per week to your studies.

What Others Are Saying

Sharon is one of the most organized and professional people that I know. With tight project deadlines and overlapping deliverables, she has been a fantastic resource to our team. Sharon will go above and beyond expectations to deliver exceptional service and products. If you have the opportunity to hire a virtual assistant, I would highly recommend Sharon’s company.~ Danielle LevineConsultant 

Writing procedures was a daunting task in our line of work, utilizing metadata and technologies. With Sharon’s help to make it happen, our team has been enabled with the knowledge to embark on this project. There was a lot of thought and expertise in designing for not only our team, most importantly for the organization and people we serve. But it wasn’t just about the new knowledge. The main benefits came from doing the work, then receiving feedback, and interacting with Sharon after the training. Sharon has a calm and logical method of teaching that truly connected and inspired me.~ Cherie MercerCitizenship Registry MgrNisga’a Lisims Gov 

Sharon is a valuable resource for our organization. She is very organized, has a diverse skill-set, and is very reliable. She goes the extra mile to ensure she delivers her very best. Sharon pays keen attention to detail and is highly professional. We enjoy working with Sharon and know you will too.~ Melanie DebassigeFormer Chief of StaffBC Assembly of First Nations 

Sharon is an absolute star and totally talented. Only praises for her work!

~ Chastity DavisChastity Davis Consulting

I sponsored DEVA because I am passionate about supporting Indigenous success. Sharon Marshall has created an innovative program that equips Indigenous women in far-flung communities to learn the skills to become virtual assistants. This means that they can work anywhere on their own terms. How wonderful!

~ Kellie GarrettConsultant

PowHERhouse is a proud partner and supporter of the DEVA project because we believe true equality removes all barriers of separateness and views us only as humans in need of healing and wholeness. As a capacity-building partner, the DEVA project provides Indigenous women with the opportunity to do just that. DEVA is a guided learning experience to explore what a small step of possibility into the fuller realization of human potential, including personal leadership, could feel like through the vehicle of digital literacy and virtual admin training as they strengthen not only their skills but also their confidence, communications, and self-love. ~ Charlene SanJenkoFounder & CEOPowHERhouse Impact Media Group 

It is with absolute pleasure that I recommend Sharon Marshall’s training. I had never taken a ‘Public Speaking Workshop’ and I thoroughly enjoyed the full two days. The training was well prepared in advance that I knew what to anticipate and plan for. I learned about the structure of planning speeches and the parts and delivery to be an Effective Public Speaker. I am inherently shy and nervous about public speaking, and this training gave me tools to be strategic and confident in myself and my delivery. I learned what not to do in a speech, and what would captivate an audience to make your speech memorable.I would highly recommend Sharon’s training to anyone wanting to learn new skills or to build on what they already know. In fact, I believe I gained new confidence in my abilities from the positive feedback and the new strategies I learned. The two days were interactive, and Sharon used videos to highlight best and worst practices to demonstrate what we can achieve in our communication with others. I am looking forward to other training opportunities with Sharon. ~ Camay Coghlan-CameronFamily Information Liaison Officer (FILO)Saskatchewan First Nations Women’s SecretariatFederation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations 

I had the opportunity to help coordinate with Sharon from DEVA for a four-day workshop for the Saskatchewan First Nations Indigenous Women’s Council. The topic of the workshop was “How to be an Effective Public Speaker and Presenter”. There were twelve (12) women and it was held in two-day intervals. Sharon is a skilled facilitator and researches her topics well. The workshops were well balanced and the participants were given ample time to respond to questions and actively participated in discussions.I met Sharon a few years back while attending the Sauder School of Business and even then she knew what she excelled at and made it into a reality. Good Job Sharon…I look forward to attending more workshops with her.

~ Debra Laliberte, BISWFamily Information Liaison Officer (FILO)Saskatchewan First Nations Women’s SecretariatFederation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations

Completing the DEVA Accelerator Program through DEVA Training & Staffing Solutions has been a transformative experience beyond my expectations. This program not only equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in my field but also provided invaluable mentorship and support every step of the way.

~ Naomi JDEVA Graduate 

Overall, I enjoyed the DEVA Accelerator program. I found the course full of information and appreciate the step-by-step guidance on how to do things.As a beginner, I appreciate that even the most basic steps were covered. I love all the personal stories added in and how we are shown the backends of DEVA. I like that the ways of learning were broken up into different forms and the occasional comic relief was added to keep the course fun and engaging. I started the course as a stay-at-home mother and ended up working full time over the last half, while staying home I found it easier to practice typing and vocabulary while doing the course but was still able to complete the course while working though less time to practice the things I was learning. Even though it was hard to manage family life while working full time I was reminded to just do what I could and that everything was figureoutable. I am so happy that I was able to be a part of this program!

~ S. ChelseaDEVA Graduate

 We acknowledge with much gratitude that we are on the traditional territory of the Snaw’naw’as First Nations of the Coast Salish People, as an uninvited guest. We give thanks to the ancestors and creatures big and small for looking after the rich resources and cultural teachings of this beautiful land.