Financial independence
from your home

Proven training and work for Indigenous women,
by an Indigenous woman.


Tired of the poor job opportunities available in your area?

Upset Woman 1


Stressed out about the
need to earn money and be home with your family?

Angry Woman 2

Feeling stuck in a minimum wage dead-end job (or no job at all) making it hard to take care of your family?

Angry Woman 3

We know that the lack of good-paying work to provide for your family can leave you frustrated, powerless and stuck. It can be difficult to find the kind of work that fits your schedule and gives you the flexibility to meet the needs of your family.

Imagine having the skills and experience to work as a successful virtual assistant, with flexible hours and the ability to work from home.

For Indigenous women, by an Indigenous woman

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An Indigenous sister with decades of experience as a virtual assistant, Sharon Marshall created the DEVA Accelerator because she knows firsthand how important it is to have work that pays well and allows freedom to tend to your family.

This Virtual Assistant training program offers you a path toward financial independence and personal power. You'll get the skills, experience, and support necessary to succeed in this growing market, all from the comfort of your home.

Don't let limited job opportunities hold you back any longer.

Invest in yourself and take control of your future.

Apply for the DEVA Accelerator program today and take your first step toward your successful career as a virtual assistant!

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What are the steps to becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Any Indigenous female 18 years of age or older living anywhere in Canada can apply. This program can work for you. All you need is the desire to learn new skills and reliable access to a strong internet connection.

STEP 1: Book an appointment with Sharon to get all the details and ask questions.

STEP 2: Register for the program and pay the deposit.

STEP 3: If accepted into the program, pay the tuition in full.

STEP 4: Attend an orientation meeting with Sharon and your cohort, either virtually or in person.

STEP 5: Complete the 20-week program and submit your Capstone Project.

STEP 6: Complete your 4-week paid practicum.

STEP 7: Sign a contract to start working as an Independent Contractor for Digital DEVA (DEVA Training & Staffing Solutions).


You are now officially a Virtual Assistant!

What does this training program provide?

The DEVA Accelerator is a 20-week online digital literacy and virtual administrative skills training, a 4-week job placement, and an invitation to work on contract for Digital DEVA.


What you get:
✓ A laptop (which becomes yours at the end of the program)
✓ Weekly training modules
✓ 20 weekly 90-minute wisdom circles
✓ A four-week paid work placement (practicum)
✓ A contract for regular paid work as a Virtual Assistant upon graduation!!!

What you need to do:
✓ Pay your tuition in full
✓ Attend all 20 training modules and
wisdom circles

✓ Complete a “Capstone Project”
✓ Complete the practicum


More DEVA Stories...

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“Before I took the DEVA training, I had no idea about Slack, Zoom, Google Docs, or LinkedIn Learning. I didn’t know you could share a Google Doc with someone and both work on it at the same time. I also didn’t know how to find things online. And because of this training, I have a job as a communications coordinator.”

~ Twyla

Thank you, Jalen Séguin of Questio for your vision for this page.